Introducing NowYouKnow

A social app that elevates your travel experience with recommendations from your friends

Review your favorite places

Post about and rate your favorite restaurants, hotels, bars, museums & more around the world so that your friends know where to go (and not to go)

Explore the best rated places

Discover the places that your network has rated 5 stars. Filter by city, friend, and type of place (hotel, bar, restaurant, etc.)

Discover who you know in any city

Know which friends to reach out to when visiting a place

Add a trip to let your friends know you are traveling

Add trips for each city you plan on visiting so it can notify your friends (if you choose), and also let you know who will be there at the same time as you

Add places to your Wishlist

See a place you want to visit? Add it to your Wishlist to remind you to check it out later


  • NowYouKnow is a social travel application that lets you see your friends favorite places around the world and lets you share yours. It also lets you easily share and coordinate your travel plans with your friends, so you know when your plans overlap.

  • You can use the app however you like. We recommend using it both when you are traveling and in your home city, so you can share your favorite spots with your friends, or let your friends know what you thought of the newest restaurant in town, or get notified when you have friends visiting your home city.

  • You can review almost anything, from your favorite restaurants & bars to hotels, shops, museums and national parks.

  • Reviews and photos of all your favorite spots, upcoming trips you have planned, and places you want to visit (your Wishlist).

  • Friends & Friends of Friends can see your reviews. Everything else is limited to Friends and Close Friends only.

  • Only your Friends or Close Friends, depending on how you decide to share it.

  • We do not share your exact location with anyone. We only use your location to recommend things around you.

  • Your Wishlist is all the places you would like to visit, but have not had the chance to yet.

  • We believe in the power of recommendations from your network, from people you know and trust. We want reviews to be genuine, and want to limit sponsored posts. While we know that this is bound to happen, we believe by limiting public profiles, we could potentially reduce the number of sponsored posts.

  • Yes, but your friends would greatly benefit from your photos of the place vs. the default photo of that place that will be added when you review it without a photo.

  • The calculations are only based on your friends ratings of the place and their friends rating of the place (we only go up to two degrees of separation, i.e., Friends & Friends of Friends).

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